
EQD2 und BED Rechner:

EQD2.de ist ein Online Tool zur schnellen Berechnung der EQD2 und BED.
Die EQD2 und BED sind in der Strahlentherapie essentiell um verschiedene Fraktionierungsschemata zu vergleichen.

Dosis pro Fraktion: Gy
Gesamtdosis: Gy

Alpha/Beta: EQD2: Gy BED: Gy

Alpha/Beta: EQD2: Gy BED: Gy

Alpha/Beta: EQD2: Gy BED: Gy

Alpha/Beta: EQD2: Gy BED: Gy

Alpha/Beta: EQD2: Gy BED: Gy

EQD2.de featured paper:

EQD2 featured paper

Weissmann T, Huang Y, [...] and Putz F. Deep learning for automatic head and neck lymph node level delineation provides expert-level accuracy. Front Oncol. 2023 Feb 16;13:1115258. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1115258

EQD2.com allows to calculate the EQD2 and BED easily with an online calculator.
EQD2 and BED are essential in Radiation Oncology to compare different fractionation schemes.

Disclaimer: These calculations are for guidance only and do not constitute medical advice. Results should be independently verified for clinical use.